Get involved as an OVF Sponsor!
We have a variety of opportunities for businesses and individuals to become OVF Alliance Sponsors. Click the links to get more information on some of these opportunities!
OVF - YMCA Rec League ($250 will give a team of kids their jerseys for free; sponsor names on the shirt). March 15th deadline.
Corvallis Rec League ($500 could buy training tops for all kids in the program; sponsor names on the shirt). March 15th deadline.
OVF Alliance Sponsorship packages (Tiers of sponsorship based on what the individual sponsor wants). No deadline (except for any potential jersey sponsors; April 15th deadline)
3v3 Tournament (See tiers of sponsorship). April 27th deadline.
If you have any questions or are interested in becoming and OVF Alliance Sponsor, please reach out to Molly Slack at [email protected] or Amy Ridling at [email protected].